Terra does not have a MOTHER in astrology.
Terra does not have a mother.
Terra's most important angles are male dominated - the Ascendant (the locals), the MC(the goat god, a male instead of a mother - must be why they are so confused about such issues) and the IC - the origin, the father.
The LAMB is the Ascendant (who they are), the sea GOAT is their god (MC), an abyss of darkness is their origin - the IC.
The Ascendant (the AC) is Aries, the Ram (the LAMB).
The Mother, the Ruler is a male sea goat ruled by Y (the snake, Sata, Saturn), the goat > god.
The IC, the origin, the father = Cancer ruled by the Moon (Ayahe in Egyptian). This is also the point of Summer Solstice and if you check the sky, it's a really dim area. Cancer represents NIGHT, therefore darkness. The point of maximum light (Summer Solstice) is an abyss of darkness.
The goat is ruled by Sata,Saturn, the snake, the greatest evil.
The MC is represented by a goat who became god (this is the correct etymology, the association is via astrology). The MC should be the MOTHER, the RULER, but that is not the case for Terra. They have Raham, Rohan, Iaham, Elohim instead.
A goat rules..A sea goat who devolved into a reptile.
The IC is the father - Aesir. The dead from an abyss of darkness.
The Ascendant represents Terra. That is the LAMB who became the son of goat > god.
The LAMB is Odin/Aten/Satan, the god of war, the absolutely irrational reptile who seeks conflicts everywhere.
The one who was born in Beetle HAM c 12800 years ago.
sums up the local history.
Compare to the Universe25 experiment, which
confirms the same results. Universe 25 Experiment mirrors Terra's
history perfectly.
Interestingly, the experiment has been dubbed as ''rats' EDEN'' - the astrological age of Atena > Eden, Aries, c 2400 - 2300 years ago. It's the same timeline as ADAM. The connections are very accurate and clear.
Matria Atena Atiati Freya did not create the souls of darkness from Terra. They are created by the traitors who gave up all Light = Truth = Life to mate reptiles.
Instead of having a MOTHER, Terra has a snake (Y, the male parts) as goat > god.
The snake cult is everywhere - including the Americas, Asia, Africa. The feather snake.
It's funny that many call most of the population ''sheep'' and Terra's AC (the population of Terra) is the LAMB, the RAM, Aries and again, they have no knowledge of astrology - but the reference clearly originates from astrology.
Truth always prevails. It always surfaces. It can never be erased.