The city of Rome, Italy, the Twins (Gemini) and the she-wolf (Lupus constellation)
First of all, the she - wolf indicates a Dacian woman. Dacia used the wolf standard and it appears in Egypt, on the Narmer Palette, too.
Considering they speak highly related languages, this is absolutely relevant. The origin of the city of Rome is Dacia, the she-wolf who raised the twins.
This is obviously astrology.
The Twins are Romulus and Remus, the equivalents of Castor and Pollux. The she-wolf is Lupus constellation (that is on the ecliptic of Matria Esh, see the Dendera zodiac).
Lupus Constellation is conjunct Libra.
This can be the other way around (Lupus conjunct Gemini). Still, any of these aspects are far older than what is claimed to be the age of the City of Rome.
The name itself is RA MAT > RA MA , Orion is Mat.
.Considering this, it is highly likely that it is Orion conjunct Lupus
(Lupus being the zodiac sign as seen at Dendera).
Other city names that contain astrological codes:
Sarmi Segetu Sa -star Syrma conjunct Sagittarius (and no, I did not
misspell Segetu from Sarmisegetusa). Star Syrma was conjunct Sagittarius c 21-23kya.
----- Petra, whose name itself indicates the Age of Cancer (which one? There are 8 in total). The most recent Age of Cancer ended 7000 years ago.
---- Sassi Di Matera, Italy. 6 di Matria, that would be the 6th great year. The current one is the 9th. That was 3 great years ago.
----Bethlehem. Beetle + HAM, Betelgeuse conjunct Ham=Capricorn. The city name depicts an event that happened 12800 years ago.
This is how history was written for 9 great years. It is preserved in ''myths'' (from Mat = Truth) and oral traditions, in toponyms and language. The 40k years European script is identical to Egypt's hieroglyphs, so we can decode it and we already know the language.
Many words are linked to the astrological age when they appeared - one example would be COPPER from Capre (Capricorn).
This proves that settlements had names that have been preserved over many tens of thousands of years in some cases (Sassi di Matera for example).
These settlements were small due to a much lower
population. That does not disqualify a civilisation from being one.This is a civilisation that had a script, art
(paintings,sculptures, music), astrology - precession was employed to
keep historical records. This is a civilisation that kept historical records for 9 great years.
All European languages have
astrology encoded in words, including compound words. This is important,
as it indicates a wide spread use of astrology.