Maternity - etymology and evidence of astrology employed to compound words
Maternity etymology.
Matra or Matre or Matria are variants of the same name.
Matre > Mater
Mater + Anat = maternity.
Matria represents Gemini, which is the MC for Matria Esh, that is why Deata > Dece = 10 = the Mother, the Creatrix of the Matrix. .
Anat is Matria's crown, the ''mother'' , Matria's MC, which means ''mother';, ''Ruler'', ''status''.
The MC = 10th house/zodiac sign.
''MOTHER'' is the first word most children say. It's definitely one of the oldest words.
This word clearly existed 40kya on Terra, I assure you, and ''MOTHER'' has variations all across Europe, but it is the same root everywhere - MAT.
The same as Egypt, because Egypt originated from Europe - Romania is the cradle of civilisation, where Matria's White Light can be sensed - Mount Caraiman..
Ka RA MANAT = the energy of Ra Eternal, in feminine form.
RA MANAT became lumina (Ra mina > lumina).
Civilisation started in Europe 9 grand years ago.
The current grand year is 9th and it started c 7000 years ago.
A grand year or great year is 26772 years.
Most of the population is under 2300 years old and with an expiration date.