Daci > Deutch, Dutch. Saka > Saxons
Dac,Daci, Dacia definitely refers to Deutch and Dutch.
Dac is pronounced as English DUCK. Daci is pronounced as DUTCH, but Deutch also comes really close.
Duck is the symbol used to denote SA - the son in Egypt.
Sa =son
ka =energy
Saka > the energy of the son.
Saka (Saka Ra, not Saqqara, even if they are homophones) > Saxon, etc etc (there are variants of the word, such as Saxa, etc etc).
Duck symbols appear in European prehistoric art.
A wolf standard appears on Narmer Palette and it clearly indicates the presence of Daci > Deutch, Dutch (before they split)
made their presence in North Africa known - Saka Ra (spelt Saqqara,
most people fail to connect the dots even if the words are homophones.
In Egypt, they write Saka Ra or Sakara.There is a wine with this name in
Egypt). A king named SAKA (not SKA) is listed on Palermo Stone before ATI and Seth/Sata/Satesh (the name is Tesh, but they are one and the same character).
Saka Ra also became Sahara. Sah is Orion.
Egyptian was a Romance language, the closest relative being Romanian. It had plenty of Germanic words (such as bee, hed > white, Fre (not nefer) > fair).
That was my biggest surprise when I decoded enough words and compared grammar, too (which is similar to Romanian).
Fun fact. When Pope John Paul II visited Romania he kissed the soil and said it was MATRIA's garden (using the wrong name, the usual from this lot).
I was puzzled when I saw the news on TV. What did he really mean? Now I know. He was confessing something really important.
The origin of civilisation is Matria and Matria Esh (Matria's garden, in this context, esh - world, planet). But on Terra, Matria Esh is originally Ardeal (from Ra Deata > Ra Dea > Ar dea), then Egypt - the garden of Atena > Eden, although I found Matria Esh written as TA MARA ESH for Egypt's name.
For short, John Paul II confessed that Romania is the GARDEN of creation for Terra. Civilisation RADIATED from Romania, but it originated from Matria Esh, via Matria directly, or her kind who visted in large numbers at times.
Mount Caraiman, Carpati (Carpathians), Romania.
Originally Caraiman was ka Ra Manat, the energy of Ra eternal. Matria's energy is very intense in that area.
KA Ra pat (Patra, Cancer, Rock/Rac/Rick) is linked to Cancer, the energy of Cancer.
The Dendera zodiac has several ''ESHES'' (gardens) marked on it. That includes Sata Esh, the snake's garden.
The city of Rome was founded by Daci, the she wolf is a symbol of Dacia and it is clearly an astrological symbol. The twins = Gemini (Castor and Pollux, or their Roman equivalents, Romulus and Remus) and the wolf.
Lupus Constellation - which is on Matria Esh's ecliptic.
Egypt was founded by Daci and Saka, entirely Germanic populations (similar to the civlisation of origin, Matria Esh). They were under the rule of RA MANAT who became RA MANA ...lumina, light in Romanian.
And just like the verb MANAT in Latin, RA was eliminated. And MANAT became MINA. The founder of Egypt is Mat HAT , RAMANAT HAT, Matria and 8th era. The same data appears in different sources, but one must make the connections. MANAT > MINA, RA MANA, lumina, Orion, Deata > dece = 10. MC. Who rules.
No language loses a particle, then reverts to it.
Italian RIMANERE ..just like Romanian ramane, English REMAIN. But ''Latin'' MANAT.
Matria became MADRE in Italian (and Spanish), but ''Latin'' turned MATRE into MATER. Italian preserved the original name quite well. And it definitely did not turn RE into ER. Such inversions happened in most languages - mothER, muttER (English and German).
No one spoke Latin during Caesar's time. They all spoke Greek. They were foreigners, not Romans (or should I say, Romanians?)
Latin is a language made up for religious purpuses. No one really spoke it. Italian and Romanian were identical, to the point Trajan did not need translators to communicate with the Daci.
Based on the current data, I hare reasons to state that the common language existed 2.4kya. And we have data (and yes, I question that, too) that it might be closer than 2k years ago, too.
I would not trust any historical data at this point, except if I see clear evidence of it. THAT is how much they falsified all history.
Also, you must know they did not bother to decode Egyptian hieroglyphs properly. They pretend there are no vowels and made them all up.
There are vowels in most symbols. Hieroglyphs CAN be decoded. I decoded what I needed. Someone else decided some correctly, but that is ignored.
It is intentional, I assure you.
The intention to erase history is clear.
It is a fact noted by Orwell, too.
Egypt was founded by Mat Hat (Hat Mehit, Hatmehit), Mina, Ramanat = Ra Eternal = Light eternal 32kya.
Hat means 8, it is the same as English eight (from HAT > AT > EIGHT) HAT Mat or Mat HAT are the very beginning of the 8th grand year.
The 8th grand year ended circa 7kya. To that, add 25772 years and you get the beginning of the 8th grand year.
It simply means that these populations existed at the time Egypt was founded, as they use the same name in Europe and Egypt, along with the same symbols (Daci and their wolf standard for instance).The predominant population seems to have been Saka, considering that the most important toponym - Sahara, is named after them.
It also means heraldryalready existed.
And then I wonder how old is the name Cappadocia. Docia > Dacia, in Anatolia.
At this point, all history must be re-examined and rewritten to reflect ACTUAL, REAL history.
I want true history, not fiction. I don't care for fiction.