The real meaning of ''risen from the dead''
The expression ''risen from the dead''' is a key phrase. It explains an entire cult in a very clear, direct manner. But what does it really mean?
First of all, ''risen'' means ''elevated'', ''chosen'' in this context. It is linked to events that started c 12kya - 13kya and were repeated/resurrected/.born again/risen again from the dead c 2.4kya.
''Rising'' may be linked to astrology - what is rising on Terra, the realm of the dead, the Valley of the dead, or the Valley of death, since it is in the 8th house/zodiac sign for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh.
The phrase ''from the dead'' really means the dead ones, souls of darkness. The opposite of the Living.
Aesir is ruled by Odin, the LAMB, the Ram, Aries - Ares. Odin and Ares are one and the same. The LAMB, the 8th house for Virgo Matria or Vatria Esh means DEATH.
So, 'risen from the dead'' means elevated, chosen from among the dead ones.
Darkness, death.
The LAMB, Odin - Ares is the most aggressive male, who seeks conflicts everywhere. Well, Odin is too busy with his hair and manicure ro save anyone. Ironically, this appears in Egypt, linked to the real Odin - Ianaten and vikings also refer to this.
.The king
of the dead rules Aesir - which starts with Asare - represented by star
Sirius and Asare's 42 body parts represent the 42 degrees of the zodiac
sign of Cancer. This is clearly depicted at Gobekli Tepe, Anatolia.
Cancer is the opposite of Capra/Khepre/Capricorn, the goat > god, which
clearly makes the zodiac sign of Capricorn 42 degrees, too, even if Capricorn is
normally only between stars Nashira and Algedi. Terra tweaked the zodiac to produce maximum darkness.
The LAMB is a dead one, he rules the
dead, Aesir (Cancer,Rock in RagnaROK), because the Lamb, Aries, is the
MC for Cancer (Aesir, Asare,
Osiris, Sirius). Asare/Osiris became ''sole'', ''soleil'' ''soare'' in Romance
languages (Romanian being the sister language of Egypt),the ''Son'' and
''the Sun'' in Germanic languages.
Santa is Satan, born December 25 year 1 (or so you are told, even if this started c 12.8kya).
has 9 reindeer (capra, khepre, goat > god). Reindeer are related
species to Capra/goats. So, 9 reindeer signify the 9th era, Betelgeuse
conjunct Ham/Capra/reindeer. For short, they are the same symbol as Beetle HAM.
Reindeer split from Capra (goats) c 36 million years ago.
name for Terra in Egypt was ''Capra Esh'', (Khepresh is a wrong
transliteration, but close enough) Capra Esh means the goat's garden.
The goat in this context refers to WHO RULES, the MC of the
planet.Terra's MC is Capra - Capricorn. Egyptian rulers wore the Capra Esh, the Khepresh, the blue crown, which indicates that Egypt ruled the entire planet.
The Winter Solstice point is the MC for a planet, it represents the Ruler.
The zodiac is permanently aligned to Solstice and Equinox points. The most important one is ECAT - the hand bag symbol found worldwide, which is the point of spring EQUInox.
ECAT is old European (Egyptian was a Romance language) and it became EQUI. Nox was added because the dark ones cannot help themselves to turn everything into darkness. This is about spring, Light, the energy of creation that makes nature come back to life after winter.
The spring equinox is the day when the day is equal to night.
But darkness is never equal to Light. The dead are never equal to the Living . The dead are never alive, even if they walk, talk and breathe.
Darkness is the mistakes that needs to be corrected.
Other dead ones existed before them. They no longer exist.
At least the vikings knew what fate awaited them and Odin.
Many dead ones are under the great illusion that they have an eternity. They don't.
At least in old myths, the dead knew they were MORTALS and worshipped the IMMORTALS - Atrei, Ramanati, the Living Ones.
was also a problem. One is not allowed to worship the creation (the
immortals), but only the Creatrix - Matria, not the Matrix (Matria's creation).