Anno Mundi 1 and Septuagint time of creation 7500 years ago (CaeSARE, Sirius, Aesir).

 Anno Mundi 1  is  on 6 October 3761 BCE, at SUNSET. That was 5785 years ago.

Sunset is at 18:19 on 6 OCTOber (which is the10th month, not the 8th, but even that is linked to astrology and history)


 Chart courtesy of

 Important aspects to look for:

Bellatrix is at 1°23'27" ARIES. This indicates the 9th  Age of Taurus

The Sun is at 16° 8'16" LIBRA. 

The Moon is at 26°34' 3" LIBRA

 Mercury is also in the area.

Libra is ruled by Venus(Vanur), the symbol of Life, An Ka, ''in energy'' (and not Ankh). 

This is an aspect similar to Pillar 18, Enclosure D, Gobekli Tepe, Anatolia. There we have the H = Orion, Deata, then the Sun circle (identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs), the Moon and a dot that seems to be Mercury. An oocultation, which indicates a conjunction and a parallel by declination.

What happened Anno Mundi 1 has its origin in what happened c 12.8k years ago in Anatolia. December 25 year 1 of the current era has its AC in Libra, and the ''rising'' is calculated to match the Sun in Aries, the Lamb and the Full Moon on ECAT (the closest full moon after the Spring Equinox). 

The AC for Anno Mundi 1 is Taurus, because that is the 9th Age of Taurus. Bellatrix is at Aries 1°23'27" , announcing the Age of Taurus. Deata, ''Gemini'' for Terra (different constellations on the ecliptic) is no longer on ECAT = the spring Equinox point, the hand bag symbol found worldwide.

According to the Septuagint, the Earth seems to have been created roughly around 5500 BCE, and about 3760 BCE based on the Hebrew Masoretic text.


7500 years ago, CaeSARE, meaning Sirius conjunct Aries 0.


Crea PATRA 7000 years ago (St Peter) 

The 7 degrees of precession between ''CaeSARE and Crea Patra/St Peter''= the 7 days of creation. 

OCTAvian = 8th era, and it is indeed the end of the 8th era. 9th era started 7kya according to the zodiac of Terra. Peter, Patra, the creation of PAT (Cancer, Rac/Rock/Rick) is the degree the Sun is on June 29  - Cancer 7. This indicates roughly Bellatrix plus 17 degrees (this varies slightly by 1 degree)  That is the border between Gemini and Patra - Cancer, the fourth zodiac sign.


 See also CREA PATRA AND CaeSARE  and 7 days of creation = 7 days of precession

Note. Anno Mundi 1 represents 5785 years ago,when African genes are detected in Europe for the first time. (250 generations x 23 years/generation = 5750

That is when Zeus turns into a bull and rapes Europa. 

Zeus turns into a bull = Age of Taurus = Anno Mundi 1

ADAM, the first of their kind appeared 2300 years ago (100 generations x 23 years/generation).

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