Mat is Metis and Atena. Matria Atena is self created
Mat (Matria) became Metis in Greek myths (MAT = Truth, Order > myth).
Mat, Metis, Matria is one and the same as Atena and they represent two different astrological ages - Mat became May, when Sara (the sun) is in Gemini, Atena is Ra in Aries. Ra Atena >>> RA TION al.
Matria became mother, mutter, madre (Spanish and Italian), mitera (Greek), Mat in Slavic languages.
Absolutely all European languages use MAT or MATRIA for the word mother.
Deus > Zeus killed Mat > Metis, but Atena was reborn. She is self created and in fact, she is the one who created all life. That includes ''Zeus''.
Zeus is similar to Odin and his spears, which is in fact the symbol of Mars and the month of March, with the point of ARIES (Ares is Odin) = ECAT = the point of spring EQUInox.
Ecat is the Egyptian word wrongly transliterated as AKHET.
At the beginning there was MAT (the word > MOD, media in the sense of communication. It comes from MAT).
MATRIA = RA MANAT = Ra eternal.
man = adj in masculine form (in Egyptian)
manat. AT is the feminine form, particle AT became A . Egyptian lost the T. so, RA MANAT became RA MANA. It means LIGHT.
The calendar is off by circa 20 days...and so is the zodiac, due to precession, so if you align the constellations to the zodiac, the entire month of MAY is in May = ORion, Deata (Gemini). Its original name was MAT, which became MAY.
For short,March 20 is the Spring Equinox, it should have been March 1, the first day of the Spring and of the year. This was the old New Year in fact.
The zodiac is ''off'' by 20 degrees not because of misalignment, though. The zodiac is aligned with the ECAT (Akhet, the bag symbol), it never moves. The stars do - and this is how we observe precession and calculate the timeline. We use the stars and calculate the degrees between them and the ecat.
Atena became a verb = to attenuate = the beginning of healing.
Mat became MAT MAT >> Math mat ics (ic is a diminutive suffix). THis is a dual plural identical to Egypt (because it is the old European language).
Mat became Ar ith MET ic (RA was inverted to ar)
Deata Matria >>> djed Matria >> GEO METRY...
MAT >>> MEDic (medicine)
All science and knowledge comes from Matria Atena Atiati Freya.
She is Demeter (Deata Matria) who taught everyone agriculture and animal domestication (Potnia Theron). She is the True RA, the True Light that created all Light and shared her knowledge and civilisation.
The names she had are variations for the 12 zodiac signs ..Hera = Ra in Taurus. MAT = Matria in Gemini, Atena = Ra in Aries, etc etc.
Hathor is correctly transliterated as HAT HERA = 8 Hera. That was 32kya - 30kya.
Saka Matria (Sekhmet) turning into Hat Hera (8 Hera) is Bellatrix + 1 ...and that is when Saka Matria (Sekhmet) turned off the Sun and left Egypt.This is tha LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM. (LGM)
Odin fighting ice giants = LGM.
Odin dying several times refers to reincarnation. Unlike the ''modern'' reptiles, the old ones knew about it and had ample evidence. Odin represents Ares/Aries, the RAM (the LAMB, because Odin = SATAN = Jesus). He is a real person, but has no merits, he is the deadliest dead one, the king of the dead.
For Virgo Matria, Aries (Terra's ECAT) is the 8th house. It means DEATH in astrology.
For Matria, whose AC is Bellatrix, Sirius is the border into her second HOUSE (others'death the dead, 8th turned house for DC)
Odin rules Aesir (Asare, Sirius). Odin is Ares = the king of the dead. Aesir = the realm of the dead.
Asare is wrongly transliterated as Osiris. Asare became ''soare'', the sun.
Sare/Asare/ = Aesir = Sirius and from that various new meanings were derived.