The Lionman of Hohlenstein-Stadel or Löwenmensch
First of all, that is MATRIA.
A woman (this planet has severe issues about this)
And she is a TIGRESS. The enemy of lions (who are all darkness).
It is fascinating that some KNOW this even in this extremely dark world.
The seven stripes on the left shoulder of the statuette indicate 7th era, but also a cult that demanded a certain ritual to be performed for 7 years - the equivalent of solar years for a grand year.
The left shoulder represents Bellatrix = the warrior Queen, the Ruler, the Conqueror. That is Matria herself. So, 7th era, an aspect to Bellatrix. The statuette is dated to circa 40kya, the Age of Virgo (VIrgo on Aries 0). That is indeed the 7th era for Terra. The aspect to Bellatrix narrows down the dating of the statue (the 7 stripes on the left shoulder indicate the aspect to Bellatrix. Ati = Spica on Aries 0. It is easlier to calculate like this.
MAT > MAY. The month of May corresponds to Orion (Gemini for Terra, different constellations on different ecliptics)
Saka MAT (Sekhmet) is represented in the same manner.
Her full name is Matria Atena Atiati Freya.
She has many names in various cultures that all originate from HER and her alone. Everything linked to civilisation comes from her, including science and technology.
She is Demeter (Deata MATRIA > Dea> De + Matria > Meter).
She is Hera = Ra in Taurus
She is Atena = Ra in Aries
She is Metis = Mat = Matria = Ra in Mat > May (Orion, Gemini).
She is RA MANAT > Min ER va (RA = RE > er)
RA MANAT is Minerva , meaning Light Eternal.
She is Diana (Dia, Dea = Light, day) the association with the Moon is due to Cancer being ruled bythe Moon and Diana = Summer Solstice Point. San Diana > Sanziana in Romanian, celebrated June 24. The Sun is at 3 Cancer, though, for the aspect to Virgo Matria. Midsummer comes from MAT summer, as the Solstice point of Terra is Cancer, Mat is the neighbour. For short, when Mat ends, Midsummer starts (Summer Solstice).
She is Artemis = RA ATAMA. The inversion, Atama Ra created the name Tamara.
She is the entire zodiac ..and has been the sole Ruler and Goddess until recently, when others started to first claim their divine right (divine comes from DEA VANIR = Freya) , then to pose as gods(but they are goats and snakes).
The Greco-Roman mythology starts in Cancer, the ''creation'', just like the Egyptian one, and all the rest.
Ra/Re/Ria is Greek Rhea married to Cronus. Rhea is Matria, represented as a lion in art, or associated with one.
Then Hera is Ra in Taurus, identical to ''Hathor'', actually Hat Hera (hat > at > eight = 8).
The so called children of Hera represent the Age of Aries.
If you follow the pattern, the first generation, or the beginning is linked to Cancer.
The titans, the giants are the second generation of deities - Rhea and Cronus = Gemini.
The next generation is Hera and Zeus = Taurus.
Hera's offspring is Ares = Aries.
This is the correct order of the zodiac for PRECESSION. The generations of deities indicate precession. Cancer >> Gemini >> Taurus >> Aries.
Matria's name became :
MUTTER in German.
MOTHER in English.
MADRE in Spanish and Italian.
MITERA in Greek (transliteration).
MAT in Slavic languages.
Matria means MOTHER in the sense of the CREATRIX of White Light = Truth = Life.
The statue represents her. The stripes are there for a reason. Stripes, not dots, because Matria is a TIGRESS.
She is also the Sphinx of Saka Ra (Saqqara), which has STRIPES sculpted on the headdress. STRIPES. TIGRESS.
Mat HAT (Mehit) is clearly indicated as the Sphinx herself. MAT is Saka Mat (Sekhmet) . Matria for short.
Mat Hat (Mehit) has 3 stripes on the neck. In Egyptian, 3 stripes/lines represent plural. in fact III.( the letter I x 3 times). 3 stripes - TIGRESS.
And I hope everyone realises that TIGERS exist only In Eurasia and they were present aroundthe Black Sea until recently . The Middle Ages for the Northern part of the Black Sea, and 1970s for Anatolia.
Egyptians point towards the Black Sea Deluge as their PLACE OF ORIGIN. That extreme darkness of BSDe is clearly mentioned. It was hell on earth (from RA TA > er de > earth, so an inversion of Te Ra > Terra).
The so called Lionman is Matria.
The Sphinx is Mat Hat = Matria and it refers to the 8th era (linked to LGM most likely).
Whether it is really 32k years old (most likely) or it commemorates Mat Hat remains to be seen.
The Sphinx's face was most likely defaced by Freyr (Khafre, Ptah, Ptolemy)
Ka Fre = the energy of Fre (Freyr actually).