Evidence of precession and astrology in Roman and Greek myths - generations of ''gods''

 There is clear evidence that astrology has been used for over 40k years - the script of Europe, which clearly indicates the shape of known modern constellations - Orion, Capricornus, Ursa Major, etc etc. 

The generations of gods in Roman and Greek myths indicate astrology and precession.

01. Uranus and Gaia were originally Ra Anat  and Geb. This is the link to Anatolia and the wound of Ra Anat > rana. In Egypt it is NiatPAT (wrongly transliterated as Nut, but it still means night)  - Cancer. So, these two myths hint at a more distant past - the Age of Cancer, c 7kya to 10k years ago and the Age of Ra Anat for Matria Esh this time, c 12.8kya. Everything we see in Anatolia is linked to all these myths. 

02. Rhea and Cronus. Saka Matria is Sekhmet and Rhea, who is associated with a lion (because they want to take the insults all the way) and Cronus is the time keeper. That is Gemini, the time keeper, the word, the beginning and the end. Djed (Djed SUs means Djed, Deata in fact on the MC). They are the titans and Orion is the titan, the giant in the sky. 

03. Hera and Zeus who turns into a bull. Hera is Ra in Taurus, the same as Hat Hera, wrongly transliterated as Hathor. Zeus is a bull, therefore the Age of Taurus. 

04. The offspring - Atena associated with star SherATAN of Aries, then Ares = Aries. This generation of gods is represented by Aries, the LAMB, the Ram.

So, we have so far: 

Anat Ra or Ra Anat > Anatolia, the origin and the wound (RA Anat > rana) . Uranus and Gaia, originally Ra Anat and Geb (Geb is gi in Greek, it means earth). Capricorn is an earth sign, one of the 3 earth signs of the earth triplicity.

Niatpat or ''Nut'' and Geb are the equivalents, but Niatpat indicates Cancer. 

This is the correct order of the zodiac for PRECESSION. Ra Anat is Aquarius >>>> Niatpat is Cancer, which comes after. Not all ages are mentioned, this is about consequences and grand scale events.

Then we have Gemini, Taurus and Aries. 

Precisely the correct order for precession. 

All myths are encoded like this. Some were modified in time. These myths are similar, once properly decoded and recosntructed. They all indicate the same sequence of events. 

Uranus is the planet that rules Ra Anat, Anat Ria/Ra/Re (Aquarius). Ra Anat = Anat Ria (Anatolia) represents the constellation, LIGHT. 

So, the origin is Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius (Ra Anat or Anat Ra), therefore the link to Anatolia, plus Gaia = the snake. Gaia is the female snake of Terra. 

This seems to match the ''sons of god'- originally Si Ra > Sirius ''mated the daughters of HAM'' = Gaia (Geb ), the snake. 


For Matria Esh, Capricorn is the 5th house, children, MATING, reproduction, creativity, etc etc. 


One thing is certain - Gaia is a snake.She represents the earth, like Geb (gi in Greek, transliteration - earth). Earth is a triplicity in astrology - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.  Ham, Capricorn and Gaia represent the earth triplicity, the snakes.

 Sata = the son of earth (soil) in Egyptian.

Reptiles appear in Anatolian art c 12kya. 

Reptiles appear in the art of Vinca and Mesopotamia c 7.5kya, the timeline of the Black Sea Deluge. The Greeks viewed the Black Sea as the gates of hell - it is the area where this cult appeared c 12kya.

You might also like to read The sons of god mated the daughters of man  and  Dendera and 6.6.6 and 33.6



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