The papal TRIPLE tiara - 3 grand years/ great years.

Crown. Etymology. 

Ka Ra Anat > the energy of Ra Anat - Matria's crown,  

Latin ''CORONA'''.


The papal tiara depicts 3 grand years or great years.  

The papal tiara or the papal crown appears on the Vatican flag, all documents, buildings and insignia. 

The keys of St Peter is the same degree as Crea Patra (Cleopatra, which is astrological code). 

When is St Peter's birthday ? Crea Patra, the birth of the 4th zodiac sign? June 29. 

Where is the Sun that day? Cancer 7°. That is Bellatrix plus 17 degrees, or Sirius minus 7 degrees. 

In terms of precession, when was that? Around 7000 years ago. 

But this is about the crown. When was St Peter conjunct Gemini 3? We must calculate the distance between the degrees I have mentioned above. From Gemini 3  to Cancer 7. Each sign has 30°. Plus we must add the extra 4. In total, we have 34 degrees.

Which star was on Aries 0 34 degrees of precession ago? SherATAN

Adam, star Mesarthim, was 33 degrees of precession ago. Which makes the garden of Atena > ''he garden of Eden'' 34 degrees of precession ago, and Adam 33 degrees of precession ago. 


The Vatican was founded by St Peter. That was 7000 years ago. Not 2000 years ago.

This matches the myth of Odin killing Gullveig 3 times, and she is reborn. This is the cause of the Vanir - Æsir war.

The 3 crowns as 3 grand yrars or great years are also linked to Dendera temple plan.


Grand years 31, 32 and 33 have their separate chambers. Great year 33 has the most detailed history with 9 chambers for 9 astrological ages. 

Gemini, the WORD, Light, is the first. The current one is Leo (Dormition, the 12th zodiac sign for Matria Esh or Virgo Matria). 

The temple was built in great year 33, 8th astrological age - Libra. That was over 3672 years ago (Ati - Spica is the exit from Libra, the zodiac clearly indicates Ati/Spica as a border). 


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