Mat is Truth. But are ''myths' truth of fiction?
Mat, Truth, Light, Order, became ''myth''. Do myths record truth or are they fiction? It depends. They recorded the truth for the most important events, but they were modified in time.
Myths were altered in time.
Let's explore one myth of creation and trace it to its original variant.
Geb (earth) became 'gi'' in Greek. It still contains the same meaning. However Geb became Gaia and she is represented as a snake in Greek mythology. Geb is the original version, identical to the Egyptian myth (they have the same origin) and is the equivalent of Sata. Sa = son, ta = territory, but in this context soil. The son of soil, therefore the snake.
It is obvious that Geb was changed into Gaia and Ra Anat or Anat Ra was changed to Uranus.
Niatpat (the correct transliteration for "'Nut'', both mean ''night'') represents Cancer (Rock/Rok/Rac/Rick, Pat, Patre).
Ra Anat became ''rana'' (wound) and from that wound Aphrodite
was born. For short, Africa was born from the wound = Ra Anat
(Aquarius), Nashira (Nazareth. Ra Anat became Uranus. Ra Anat became
Renata, or Anat Ria > Anatolia. Anatolia is absolutely linked to the
grand course of events depicted in all mythologies. The name represents the timeline of Matria Esh and it matches modern myths.
Anat Ria >
Anatolia is a very important detail, because it is not linked to the
Age of Aquarius on Terra, but on Matria Esh - the place of origin, where
it all started. The Anatolian Tepes are dated to c 12kya and the name itself is from that timeline, too. Anat Ria became Anatolia and Anat SiRe became Nashira and Nazareth.
All creation myths refer to Cancer as the starting point. Astrology recorded the last Age of Cancer - 7000 years ago c 10k years ago, with its 42 degrees as ''origin'' and also ''PATRE > PATER > FATHER''
For short, all myths match. And then we see the link to the Moon used in heraldry by the populations linked to the last Age of Cancer, (Hat Pat or Pat Hat) which is ruled by the Moon.
Ptah's name was actually Pat He, originally Pat Hat. It is identicial to HE PAT > Hḗphaistos
Ptah would be Pat HAT, the 8th Age of Cancer (Pat, Rok/rock in RagnaROK, Patre > Pater > father). 7kya to 10kya. Cancer has 42 degrees (the 42 body parts of Asare/Sare/Osiris) which also makes Capricorn, its opposite sign, 42 degrees, even if the constellation is only c 17 or 18 degrees.
Sata, the snake, rules Capricorn and Aquarius. The snake appears in the 40k year old script of Europe.
The snake appears at Karahan Tepe.. Karahan, a slight change from Karaham, Raham/Rohan, Iaham or Ioachim, Matria's father. The statue with six snakes on the forehead confirms that it is a snake cult and it indicates SASA (six in Egyptian), the sixth era. That was 3 grand eras or grand years ago.
The current issues have been ongoing for at least 3 grand years. They took a very dark turn during the grand year 33,6 (33 Capricorn). They reached an abyss of darkness during the 8th Age of Cancer (Pat, Patre, Rock/Rock) and 9th era of Gemini.
One of Tut's pectorals depicts ''Sekhmet and Ptah'', Matria and Freyr = Ptah.
Matria is Mat = May (Orion) conjunct the Vulture = Aquila constellation. Ptah is Freyr, conjunct the snake - Capricornus constellation. It is the same aspect as ''Beetle ham''. 8th era is indicated through 8 circles. HAT MAT or MAT HAT. Mat 8 (Mehit in the pyramid of Unas)
Amen hotep
is either Amen Hat PAT < PA or HAT api . Amen is the snake,
Capricorn. Hat > at > eight = 8, Pat or Api refers to Cancer. So,
Capricorn conjunct Cancer - that was the same timeline, c 12-13kya ,
when all constellations were in opposition with their zodiac sign