Amat became OMAT (snow). Amat/Mat and the calendar

AMAT is MAY, Deata, Orion. 

As zodiac sign, AMAT is the MC, therefore the WINTER SOLSTICE POINT.

AMAT became OMAT (snow) = white, the colour that represents Matria absolutely. 

Snow White :) 

It simply means that the calendar was the one used by Matria Esh, or it was used in association with Amat conjunct Capricorn = the Winter Solstice point of Terra. Either way, it implies winter. AMAT = winter solstice for Matria Esh. Spring time for Terra. 

For Terra, AMAT is the month of MAY (the calender is off by 20 degrees, since the spring EQUInox is on March 20.It should be March 1, the first day of spring and the NEW YEAR, the birth of nature. The 3rd month from SPRING ECAT. 

Therefore the THIRD ...THREE, TREE of Life. The word is LIGHT (RA MANAT) and RULES absolutely (Deata is the MC, the RULER).

Amat or MAT became MAY. 

The name of the month comes from MAT (ria). 


Mat = order, Truth.

RIA = Light (Eternal). 

The only colour associated with Matria is WHITE

Fre (not ''nefer'' or ''nafre'', the prefix is a much later addition) is identical in meaning and origin with FAIR.

FRE = FAIR = white (fairest of all), honest, beautiful, kind, good. 

Freya is derived from FRE = FAIR. 

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