Fatima, Portugal, 1917. Matria is Ria, Re, Ra.

 Regardless  of what really happened at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, the Vatican and the Inquisition (yes, they still existed) issued a very clear statement - the woman seen is Maria/Mary (the correct name is Matria) and they call that specific set of events '' the miracle of the Sun'', thus openly admitting that Matria is the SUN - RA.

The name Matria > Maria/Mary (and other variants) contains the name RA within. 

MAT + RIA = Matria

Matria = Cosmic Order, Truth, Light. 

RIA = Ra=Re and any other variants of the name. 

Ria is the Anatolian version of the name. 

Geographic distribution of the names:

Re can be found in ''mothER'' (English), '' muttER'' (German), in madRE (Spanish and Italian). 

Ra can be found in Egypt - Saka RA (Saqqara), the Sahara Desert, Romania (Caraiman, Arad, Oradea) and Greek - mitera (mother), Meteora (a variant of Matria's name), in Italy - Sassi di Matera, etc, etc. 

Ria can be found in Anat Ria > Anatolia, Siberia, Sigiriya


I am not interested in establishing WHAT happened during the Fatima 1917 events, but WHAT the Vatican has to say about it, their official statements.

The Vatican clearly states the woman who appeared is Matria (using the variant Maria/Mary) and they call the series of events ''the miracle of the Sun'', therefore directly establishing a link between Matria and the Sun - Ria, Ra, Re.

This is linked to Pope John Paul II's visit to Romania much later on, when he declared that Romania is ''Maria's garden'' - a clear reference to Matria Esh - the correct, respectful name.

Matria's garden is the GARDEN OF CREATION, similar to Atena's garden, which became Eden and refers to Egypt. 

Adam is linked  to the garden of Eden. Atena's GARDEN (Atena Esh) is 2.4kya (star SherATAN on Aries 0). Therefore Adam is under 2400  years old (star Mesarthim). There is one degree of precession between the two stars, so c 72 years, but that's the specific timeline Matria Atena Atiati Freya was present, then, a degree of precession or so later, the birth of Adam.

Mesarthim = Mes RA ATAMA, the birth of RA Atama. It is a star in the constellation of Aries. 

Arthim =Artemis.

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