Aesir, Asare/Sare, Osiris and Sirius

 Aesir is Asare/Sare = Sirius. 

Si Ra/Re/Ria/Ri = sons of RA, sons of LIGHT (Matria).

Aesir (Sirius) ruled by Odin (Ares, Aries, the LAMB - RAM) ..because Cancer (Aesir) has its MC (the RULER) in Aries (Ares is Odin).

Aten= Odin = TEN = 10. 

The MC for Aesir/Cancer is 10, TEN, Aten/Odin. 

the sons of ''god'' was originally the sons (Si) of RA = Si RA = Sirius

mated the daughters of HAM = man (the snakes) = Capricorn.

Sirius conjunct Capricorn. That is 16 degrees BEFORE Betle HAM (code for Bethlehem).


Nashira (Anat Si Ra) conjunct VIrgo Matria ECAT (Nazareth)...

Nashira = Nazareth 

Born in Betle HEM (Beetle > Betle guese conjunct HAM = Capricorn 3), originated in NAZARETH (Nashira ...MOTHER IS VIRGO MATRIA = Matria ESH) ...

Anat is Matria's ''mother'' (Matria created all Light, Anat is only Matria's vessel for incarnation)

Because star Nashira (Nazareth) was on the ECAT of Virgo MATRIA (very close to it) when Beetle > Bethe HAM > HEM happened.  12800 years ago.

The birth of EVIL ..of war and extreme violence. Or high treason and breaking the sacred law of MATRImony (from Matria). 

Santa wears red = war, conflicts, fury, anger, frustration. Santa is an anagram for SATAN. He has 9 reindeer = 9th era (the current one).

Plato mentions the war between Atlantis (Atrei, the Living ones) and the ancestors of the Greeks 11.6k years ago.  and Meltwater Pulse 1b, which he accurately dates and names ''flood'' (a flood...the NOAH flood was later, Sirius close to Aries 0)


Flood, PAT API (POT OP in Romanian, PAT = Cancer, Rok/Rock/ Patre/piatra (rock)

That is the ''deluge'' or the ''NOAH FLOOD"'

Noah means NINE. It is how NOUA  is pronounced. And it means 9th era, which started with the great '''flood'' (global sea levels rise due to melting of all the ice from the Last Glacial Maximum, LGM.

All legends mention LGM - Odin fights mountains of ice or ice giants, Saka Matria (Sekhmet) turns off the power of the Sun before turning into HAT HERA (Hathor) - a code for the beginning of LGM. 

The border between Hat Mat or Mat Hat (Mehit, the name of the Sphinx) and Hat Hera, Gemini and Taurus is Bellatrix. So Bellatrix conjunct Aries 0 was when LGM started. That is c 32kya. 

Precisely when LGM started. 

MAT HAT ( Mehit, the name of the great Sphinx of Saka Ra, Saqqara) turning into Hat Hera. 

Mat 8 turning into Hera 8 = LGM. c 32kya. 

For Matria Esh, SIRIUS is the star that OPENS the new ERA, the new GRAND YEAR. 

For Terra (Te RA originally, land of Ra) , the CREATION starts with SIrius and lasts for 7 days (up to Crea PATRA or St Peter, the sun at currrent 7th degree of Cancer, it is NOT a permanent degree. It changes every 72 years, so it is best to state it is Bellatrix plus 17 degrees or Sirius minus 7 degrees. 

That happened 7000 years ago.

So, ''creation'' started at SIRIUS (mating the daughters of HAM, so their own creation c 12800 years ago) which is the BSDe (Black Sea Deluge, Black Rac/ RagnaROK) and lasted 7 degrees of precession - from 7.5kya  to 7kya. 

Sirius conj Capricorn = the creation of the daughters of HAM 

Sirius conj Aries 0 = the ''creation'' (and when reptiles appear in art, along with the myth of Phaeton) ) and the great flood (they are linked. Bellatrix conjunct Pisces 3 (aprox) = DC for Matria Esh. 

For the record, BSDe started 7.8kya, Sirius plus 5, Castor minus 1. 

The disaster (a lot of death, and fresh warer life replaced by salt warer life) was dated by Ballard et al to c 7.5kya. Sirius conjunct Aries 0. 

Absolutely all myths, from all cultures, link the  NOAH flood to a mass extinction event.

For Matria Esh, Capricorn/HAM is the 5th sign = MATING, children, ''creation''. The mating between Sirius (the sons of Ra) and the daughters of HAM (the sea goat, the snake).

During the Age of Cancer (7000 ya to c 10kya, or 7.5kya to 10kya)  reptiles appeared in art - Vinca, Mesopotamia. The myth of  Phaeton (Pat Aten Cancer conjunct Aries) tries to explain the appearance of bl4c skin (the myth assumes that they got sunburnt). 

Af = snake (letter f in Egyptian is similar to f, but it is a snake)

RICA = RAC/ROCK/ Cancer. 

That is when their DNA appears in Europe (actually it is year 1 Anno Mundi, under 6kya). The calculation error in genetics comes from considering 30 years/generation. But it is only 23. 

23 x 250 generations 5750 years. 

 Currently it is Anno mundi 5785 

 Adam existed 2300 years ago. The so called bottleneck for ADAM (the population represented by ADAM, the first of their kind) .The first ADAM appeared 2300 years ago  = 100 generations ago x 23 years /generation. That is 2300 years ago. 

Adam is only 2300 years old (so is Mesopotamia ...even if civilisation existed before in the area...).

ADAM is star Mesarthim (Mes RA ATAMA, Atena, also star SherATAN is conjunct within 1 degree).

The code matches the real genetic data....And it indicates that each generation is 23 years. Not 30 :) 

You should read carefully what I wrote here ..because it indicates something very very important.

Asrrology and myths encode very important events ..tha timeline is very accurate because they were recorded as they happened. A comparison between various myths is also necessary, to avoid the data being corrupted or changed intentionally.

Astrology has been in use for far longer than even 40k years, when astrology clearly appeared in paintings all over Europe - and the evidence points out that modern constellations existed already. 

The script found all over caves in Europe is not only a writing system, but it is also complex astrology. 

One planet definitely appears in the script = the snake. Sata. Saturn

The Sun (Ra) and the Moon appear, too. 

Plenty of modern constellations appear. 

Also plenty of hieroglyphs that much later on appear in Anatolia, then in Egypt. The same civilisation. The same script. The same language. 

The scenes are not mythical hunting scenes ...even if that is also a valid interpretation. They represent historical events coded with astrology. 

A massive presence from Matria Esh is recorded c 40kya. That is the 7th era for Terra. 

Era 32 for Matria Esh.

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