Amat te Ra su > Amaterasu and her son, AMENo.

 Amat te ra su is old European > Egyptian, just like Reiki (Ra's ka, Ra's energy). Reiki specifically refers to the universal energy, in fact Matria's unique energy - that of CREATION and of LIFE. The healing energy of Matria. (AMAT in Amat te RA su).

Amat = Matria, Mat, May, Orion, Deata (> dece = 10 for Virgo Matria)

Te = land


SU = SUS, on the MC. 

Amat Te Ra Su > Amat on Terra's MC, therefore Amat or Mat, Orion conjunct Capricorn. 

To add detail, AMENo Hohi is Amen, Capra, Ham, goat > god. Hohi might be HAT > He/ho.

HAM MAN > AM MAN > Amen. 

Amun, is only a variant. 

The name AMAT TE RA SU indicates Orion conjunct the Winter Solstice Point.

Precisely what Tut's pectoral indicates. Or Dendera. 

Amat conjunct Ameno/Ham/Goat/Capra/Khepre is era 33.6 (so the beginning of 6.6).

The last 6 from 6.6.6 - 33.6.6 is 33 Leo, or ''Dormition'' for Matria,.respectively the ''rising from the dead'', ''coming back to ''life'' of Jesus  '', Age of Aries, the LAMB, for Terra.


That was the beginning. 

Civilisation in Asia is linked to 2700 years ago (the creation of the royal house of Japan specifically, but that means civilisation and a structure of power), which is close to "'Adam'', only 400 years earlier. 

 Considering how well preserved the words Amat te Ra su and Ameno are, along with Reiki, which has the exact meaning (Ra's energy in old European > Egyptian), it is possible that civilisation was still a unified one even c 2.4k years ago. 

Further, Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, and her brother Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon, were married.

Matria Atena Atiati Freya (Sekhmet is Saka Matria) was married to Freyr, Ptah =Cancer, ruled by the Moon.  This is what appears on Tut's pectoral, too, even if it depicts an event close to ''Beetle Ham'', Bethlehem, c 12kya. 

Further evidence is in the name Ameno-himitama. 

Amen is Ham = Capra/Goat/ Khepre, Capricorn. 

HIM = HAM again, then ITAMA > ATAMA ...ADAM. Mesarthim. 

This name seems to indicare Capricorn (specifically the first degree) conjunct ATAMA - Mesarthim. The names are far too close to old European to be a coincidence, particularly that the symbol depicting  Amaterasu are identical to the one ATENA used 2.4kya (and not 3.2kya) 

Egyptian originated and was entirely a European language, despite amusing, fraudulent claims. 

The myths discussed here clearly indicate a European origin, possibly via an Egyptian for these words.

Other possible  loans:

eight > hachi , from the original HAT

ten > juu (in fact this is a very important detail, it comes from Romance languages, Deata > Dje > juu). 

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