Hidden astrology and history in the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty has 25 windows in the crown, representing 25 grand years. Era 25 for Matria Esh is the first grand year for Terra. Therefore, 25 is the beginning for Terra.
It has 7 spikes in the crown, representing grand years 1 to 7.
There are plenty of heraldic symbols that indicate the 7th grand year.
The 7th, 8th, and 9th grand years or great years appear in many myths.
And then we look at the calendar - which could have been made in whichever way one wanted.
DECEmber 25 - Xmas
DECEmber 31 - the last day of the year, corresponding to Era 31 for Matria Esh, respectively era or grand year 7 for Terra.
What about grand years 8 and 9 (NOAH)?What about the past 32kya or so?
Mass extinction. Death of nature.
The statue of Liberty, Freya.
Fre Atam > Freedom
Linked to this, see Dendera and 6.6.6, 33.6 The temple layout has hidden history in it. And it matches all the data in myths.
Note; Grand year 32 does not entirely match grand year 8 for Terra, which starts 207 degrees of precession later.
The beginning of grand year 32 is marked by the beginning of Aurignacian on Terra and it indicates a massive presence from Matria Esh.
33.6 for Matria Esh (Jesus' age of death = great darkness born) is still the 8th grand year for Terra.
The official explanation involves 7 oceans. WHAT 7 oceans?
The original reference of 7 seas in myths and folklore might refer to precession and one of the signs of the water triplicity - Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. 7th era and water tripicity.