Matria Atena Atiati Freya's most recent visit on Terra is linked to star SherATAN

Matria Atena Atiati Freya's most recent incarnation on Terra is linked to star SherATAN, which is a degree of precession earlier than star  Mesarthim..

That is the timeline of  the garden of Atena ('' garden of Eden'') and Adam

SherATAN conjunct Aries 0 - Atena wages war (evidence exists, she is depicted as the goddess of war and war strategy) and that is when hi-bi-ru were completely eliminated. There are many scenes of Matria Atena smiting enemies (erasing them, sending them back into nothingness).

But then Adam is born, a degree of precession later - when star Mesarthim was conjunct Aries 0. 


SherATAN is 10 degrees of precession before Ka An Satan ten > Constantine.  

Ka An Satan ten = energy in Satan 10, meaning the 10th degree after Satan (SherATAN) was present. 

The timeline of Constantine, c 310 current era (again, a degree of precession, an entire lifetime) which is c 10 degrees after Sheratan was on Aries 0. 

10 degrees of precession x 72 years /degree and I would always keep in mind we are talking about an entire lifetime,

Both stars currently have a tight aspect, under 1 degree to Matria Esh = Atena Esh. 

Betelgeuse is currently at 29 Gemini, already conjunct Cancer 0 - Terra's Summer Solstice point.

Orion, the timekeeper, Cronus, is the one who announces the new astrological age - as seen 2025 years ago, year 1 of the current era.

''Neferneferuaten Nefertiti'', ''Smenkare'', ''Nefertiti's bust'', ''Nefertiti's real name'', ''Nefertiti's original bust'', ''accurate photo of Nefertiti'', ''accurate bust of Nefertiti''.

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