The correct etymology for DIANA - Ra at Summer Solstice point

 DIANA comes from Dea/Dia, which became day. It means Light.

San Diana became Sandziana > Sanziana, celebrated on June 24 - Midsummer day. Mid from Mudsummer comes from MAT (Matria, Orion). Where is Ra (the sun, sara) on June 24? Cancer (Rac/Rock/Rick or Pat/Patra/Patre/ Niatpat ''Nut''), 3rd degree.

It clearly has an aspect to Virgo 3, the ECAT for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh. 

So, Diana is Ra on Summer Solstice point, 3° Cancer.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and this is how the association with the moon started. 

The name itself implies DAYLIGHT. And it is celebrated during the day with most light - the longest day of the year.

The Summer Solstice Point is 0° Cancer, right after the sun exits Gemini (Mat, thus Midsummer).

This is the point where DIANA is celebrated. The real sun (sun and son are homophones because they originally were synonyms). 

sa became son (Egyptian sa = English son)

Sa Re  was originally the sun, and it meant ''daughter of Ra'' as all Light is feminine, then Ra was removed. 

Artemis is Ra Atama, Ra in Aries (star Mesarthim indicates Mes - the birth of, then Ra was inverted to AR, Atama > Tama > tam > thim). 

Diana and Artemis do not mean the same zodiac sign. 

Diana = Ra at Summer Solstice Point, which for Terra is NIATPAT , "'Nut'' = night, Cancer, ruled by the Moon (Eses). Artemis is Ra in Aries, the Age of Aries. 

Hera is Ra in Taurus = the Age of Taurus (the most recent is c 6kya to c 3672kya). 

Mat, Matria or May is Ra in Gemini - the Age of Gemini, or of Titans, giants because Orion is the giant in the sky. 

Virgo Matria is definitely used to indicate the zodiac sign of Virgo, to distinguish it from the other Matria or Mat. 

Both signs are ruled by Mercury, the first planet from the Sun. 

The fact that Diana is associated with the Moon clearly indicates the use of astrology for a very long time.

The same as Capra (Khepre) > goat > god and rituals that involve goats around the Winter Solstice point.

We have ample evidence of astrology usage in rituals and daily life for at least 40k years. The script found in caves all over Europe indicate astrology.

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