Apostle = Apostate = Traitor

APA apos means water, watery and it is linked to PATRA = the DELUGE ( the Black Sea Deluge is the most important event of that timeline). 

PAT API > pot op (the flood) 

Sapat Api, (not Zep Tepi). Dug by waters, not ''First Occasion"'. SAPAT API ...POT API >> potop in Romanian (the language closest to ancient Egyptian, Saxon is next, via the Saka = Saxons. You know..Saka RA...and not Saqqara or Sahara. Sah = Orion)

PAT, Patre, like Rac/Rock/Rick = fourth zodiac sign = Cancer. The foundation is Patre (patre > pater > father) = Cancer. RagnaROK. Potop (flood in Romanian).

 Apos = watery and it is the link to the beginning ..their origin is the FATHER = PATRA = PATER = the water sign of Cancer. 


Apostle and apostate are secretly synonyms. And they both mean traitors.

The dark ones, the evil ones. 


The 12 apostles represent the 12 stars of their zodiac of evil = darkness.  

St Peter's day is 29 June. SARA (the sun) is at  7 Cancer. That is Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. 

That is exactly what you can see on Pillar 18, enclosure D at Gobekli Tepe 

Then, on the same pillar, you can see H and Cs that together make 42 days = degrees of precession. From Bellatrix to Ras Elas = 60 degrees. They clearly do not count Ras Elas, which is the entry point into Leo. 

Gemini has 17 degrees in the zodiac they use (and that has been in use in Anatolia 12000 years ago) and Cancer (ROK, RAC, RICK) has 42 degrees. 

That also makes the opposite sign, Capricorn, Capra, the goat, god (the MC, who rules) 42 degrees. It is not only from Nashira to Algedi. It is from Nashira ...towards Algedi...but it passes it by many degrees. 42 from Nashira. (Anat Sare > Na shi RA). 


Then look what appears in art in Vinca and Mesopotamia around the Black Sea Deluge (C 7800 years ago, Ballard dates it to 7500 years ago based on molluscs). Reptiles appear in art. The water snakes. 





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