Mat HAT (Mehit) and the pyramid of Unas
MAT HAT (the name of the Sphinx in the pyramid of Unas) is MATHAT = 8th era of MAT.
It is wrongly transliterated as Mehit.
The name itself contains the dating of the Sphinx of Saka Ra = Saka MAT (Sekhmet) = circa 32k years ago. It definitely commemorates the event (the beginning of LGM). The legend of Saka Mat (Sekhmet), Matria changing into Hat Hera (Not Hathor) Hera = Taurus. So, Saka Mat (Serkhmet) turning into 8 Taurus. That is 32k years ago. And her turning off the power of the sun = the beginning of Last Glacial Maximum.
The 3 stripes on Mat Hat's neck indicate A TREIA, THE TREE of life = Gemini.
They indicate the Living One.
The tiger stripes on the Sphinx indicate the true identity of the Sphinx. Matria. Tigress.
The Empress of the Living Ones. Ramanati. Atrei (not NTR or Netdjer). The immortals. Light Eternal. White Light.
Even the word Emperor or Empress comes from AM PE RA = I have RA (power, authority).
Summer comes from SA AM RE (to have Re, light).
Mat Hat (Mehit) is linked to the first Rulers of Egypt. This implies Egypt was founded c 32kya by Matria and that the Sphinx of Saka Ra (Saqqara) may date from that timeline, too.