Mat Hat, ''Mehit'' and the first Rulers/ Queens/ Kings of Egypt

 Mat HAT, Amat Hat, Orion 8 is linked to the first Rulers or Kings of Egypt. 

Mat HAT is the beginning of the 8th grand year or era. 

Mat appears clearly at Dendera between Bellatrix and Sirius. 

But Terra has less degrees - Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. At Gobekli Tepe we see 10 fingers plus 6 H (H is the symbol for Deata, Orion). So, 16 degrees. Bal bal statues seem to indicate 17 or 18 points. St Peter, the birth of Patra (Crea Patra, Mes Pat, Mes Patra) is June 29, the sun is at 7 Cancer. 

That is the border between Gemini and Cancer - St Peter, aprox the 7th degree of Cancer. 

This is important to establish, as this is how we calcualte the grand year and its beginning. Matria Esh calculates it at Sirius.Terra calculates it at Crea Patra(Cleopatra)/St Peter. That is why he has the ''keys'' to HeaVEN (Vanir and no, he does not have any keys, but a huge answer is in that timeline). 


So, Mat Hat was when Bellatrix - Sirius minus 7 degrees was on Aries 0.  17 degrees = c 1224 years. 

Bellatrix is currently at 21 Gemini. There are 21 + 90 degrees to Aries 0. That's 111 degrees, or  c 7992 years ago. 

To that, we add 25772 years = a grand/great year. 

That is 33764 yeas ago. This is the end of MAT HAT (Mehit). To calculate the beginning, we add 1224 years. 


And then we have the timeline of the first Rulers/ Queens/ Kings of Egypt.   

 MATriarHAT indicates that Matria ruled absolutely.  It explains the association of Matria Atena Atiati Freya to  HEAVEN = VANir. Paradise.The Garden of Eden = Atena Esh.


 PATriarHAT c 7000 to 10000 years ago, when psi HAT PAT > psy cho paths appeared.  

They destroyed all civilisation and the birth of this insanity was 12800 years ago or so.

Even if the calculation took into account Matria Esh and not Terra (the normal timeline does this), Mat Hat would still be c 20k years ago.  

There is evidence that Matria Esh's timeline was considered - Anatolia is Anat Ria, the age of Aquarius, 12800 years ago for Matria Esh (around that timeline). 

So, Anatolia is linked to Anat Ria, the Age of Aquarius, but its name is linked to Matria Esh'calculations and Ecat, since all Anatolian Tepes date around that timeline - Age of Aquarius (Anat Ria or Ra Anat > Renata) and Capricorn/HAM (33.6 grand year for Matria Esh).

Mat Hat, ''Mehit"" is Sekhmet turning into Hat Hera - Hathor. 

Mat Hat turning into Hat Hera. 8th Gemini >> 8th Taurus. 8th grand year.

I already calculated the degree, it is Bellatrix. That is the timeline when the Last Glacial Maximum started. It fits the myth - Sekhmet is furious, leaves Egypt and dims the power of the Sun. The ''myth'' recorded the beginning of the last Ice Age. 

Which also coincides with the first Rulers of Egypt.

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