The sons of god mated the daughters of man -reconstructing the original statement
The sons of god was originally
Sons = SI (sa is singular)
so, Si Re/Ria/Ra, therefore Sirius and it meant the White Light males created by MatRIA.
''Man'' is HAM > om, oumo, homme, etc. Capra/ Khepre, Capricorn, Capricornus.
the sons of Ra = Si RA = Sirius
the daughters of HAM = Capricorn, Capra, Khepre, Goat.
Sirius conjunct HAM.
Capra, Khepre was spelt in Egypt using the BEETLE symbol.
Precisely what Tut's pectoral indicates (it's Atena's, not Tut's - the real name is Atiat and it means Queen Regnant. A female name originally, and it was mistranslated and botched up.
Look up Tut's pectoral with Sekhmet and Ptah.
The pectoral depicts the birth of Djed SUS.
Matria is ''Sekhmet"' conjunct the Vulture (Aquila, Horus). Matria is Orion in astrology, therefore Deata > Djed. SUS = on MC. The MC for Terra is Capricorn, Aquila is conjunct star Algedi of Capricorn.
Sekhmet = MAT = Orion.
conjunct the vulture (the figure behind her).
Ptah is Cancer and is conjunct the snake = HAM, Capricorn.
There are 8 circles at the bottom of the scene, indicating 8th era. The aspect depicted is the same as BEETLE HAM and SIRIUS conjunct HAM.
8 = HAT
8th era for Terra, that specific timeline, is grand year 33.6 for Matria Esh.
It is grand year 33.6 ..or 6...6..6. See Dendera and 6-6-6
Amen is Capra, HAM, Capricorn. The winter solstice for Terra. Therefore the goat > god.
The word HAM > am and HAMAT > woman use the shape of the constellation Capricornus in Egyptian (the bowl symbol).
The results of the matings appeared c 7500 years ago in art - reptile statues of Vinca and Mesopotamia. The Black Sea Deluge is the answer - the KEY.
HAT PAT, 8 Cancer/Rac/Rock/Rick/Patre (and Plato's myth of the cave refers to this specific time, cave = rock/piatra)
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