How is the beginning of the grand year calculated in astrology

 For Matria Esh, Gemini is the first zodiac sign and it is from Bellatrix to Sirius. 24 degrees.

For Terra, Gemini is the first zodiac sign (the WORD, the beginning) and it is from Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. This appears in Anatolia, particularly Gobekli Tepe, pillar 18, enclosure D and all ''barbar > bar bar > bal bal"''statues. Shigir idol, c 12kya, depicts the same symbolism.

With precession, the last star or point of the constellation becomes the first. 

So, the grand year for Matria Esh starts with Sirius. 

the grand year for Terra starts at Patra/Crea Patra (Bellatrix plus 17) which is currently 7 Cancer. In 72 years or so it will be 8 Cancer, etc etc. The point moves as the stars move.

To calculate the beginning of the grand year, one must take the FIRST star of the first zodiac sign (the beginning is ORION) and to count how many degrees have passed since it was on the ECAT (the spring EQUInox point). Ecat = Akhet's correct transliteration. 

the ECAT is the hand hag symbol from Gobekli Tepe, Anatolia. It is found absolutely in all cultures and civilisations because it comes from the same civilisation -  Matria Esh (everything comes from Matria and her people). 

Go to

Extended chart selection. 

Add the following stars in the box that says MANUAL ENTRY.

Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Algedi, Nashira, Spica, Sirius, Mesarthim, Syrma, Fumalsamakah, Ras elased australis 

And then play with the years. See how the stars ''move'' across the zodiac. Enter 7000 years ago and check where Sirius is, then where Bellatrix is. 

The beginning of the grand year or ERA ( I prefer this term) is Sirius or Sirius minus 7 (towards Bellatrix, not the other way).

However, as seen in names such as MAT HAT (Mehit) Hat Hera (Hathor), Amen HAT (found in Amenhotep), the code is much more simple. The zodiac sign on ECAT plus the number of the era. 

Era 33.6 (JC is 33.6 years old when he ''dies'' = when great evil is born in fact) and it is part ofthe 6...6...6 code.

3 + 3 = 6 (but it really means era 33). 

6 = Capra, HAM (man, Amen = HAM MAN > AM MAN) 

So it was used like this,too. A very simplified manner of writing it. 33.6. 

We have more details about it in Betle HAM = Betel geuse conjunct HAM. 

And you will see that Capricorn was in that close to Matria Esh' ECAT.. 

Also compare Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3 (12800 years ago or so) to the chart of December 25 year 1 and use 0.00 hour. Midnight. 

The location should be Bethlehem. 

Terra uses the ECAT of Virgo Matria (or Matria Esh) to calculate its celebrations. The Sun (Sara) is at the 3rd degree, to match Virgo 3  = the ECAT of Matria Esh. 

So, use the 3rd degree for EACH zodiac sign. They are all equal, they are all 30 degrees each, unlike constellations that have various degrees. 

Mat HAT = Orion conjunct Aries 0, 8th era. Therefore the 8th era of Mat (Matria, May)

Amen HAT = Capricorn conjunct Aries 0, 8th era. Therefore the 8th era of Capricorn. 

Hat Hera = Taurus conjunct Aries 0, 8th era. Therefore the Age of Taurus, 8th era. 

And since the zodiac signs are 30 degrees each and are like the frame of a watch or a clock - they never move, we can imagine ORION as the tongue = the TIME KEEPER ..

Rhea and Cronus = MATRIA (RIA is Rhea) and time. 

Orion is the time keeper. It announces the beginning and the end of astrological ages and of grand years.


If you look at grand events and remember what really happened (ahem), all you need to watch is where is ORION in the zodiac for Matria Esh. The first sign, the AC, is Virgo. 

01. Virgo (and the meaning of the first house in astrology).

02. Ati Spica (Libra) 

03. Scorpio 

04. Sagittarius

05. Capricorn - and always keep in mind what the 5th house means (mating, reproduction, children, creation, entertainment, etc etc). 

etc etc.


 12800 years ago or so, Orion was in the 5th sign (creation, mating, children...)

7500 to 7000 years ago, Orion was on the DC (7th sign) = relationships. The end of ...

Orion conjunct Aries, the 8th sign/house =  DEATH. A lot of death occured. Sirius represents the many males that died when the snake invaded. Seth is Sata, the snake, who killed Asare/Sirius. This is a complex astrological code that needs a bit more attention in order to decode it properly. 

The brother killing brother theme appears in many cultures, because they all originate in one. A unified civilisation that was destroyed by the snake.

9 Pisces

January 5 2025 or 5 Jan 2025 (day, month, year - the logical order, from the smallest time unit).

So far, the NINTH grand year had only the following  ages:

Gemini (Deata, the WORD, Light, MATria > May). 




The NINTH era or grand year started 7000 years ago (Crea Patra > Cleo, St Peter, check where the Sun is the day of his ''birth'', June 29). Patra = patru = four, the fourth zodiac sign. the birth of PETER , PATER, PATRE, Piatra (rock) is the birth of the zodiac sign of CANCER (Pat, Rac/Rock/Rick)

Events that happened 7.5 to 7kya were placed 2000 years ago. It is CODE. 

Crea PATRA  > Cleopatra dies 31 years before the birth of Jesus, August 12. 

Matria dies (the Dormition) on August 15. 

December 25  = 25 is code for era/grand year number 25, which is the first on Terra. 

December 31 represents the 31st era/grand year for Matria Esh. Era 32 becomes January 1, the NEW YEAR. The 8th grand era for Terra = the era of the DEAD. 

With LGM, BSDe, YD comet and a mass extinction that threatened all life, the 8th era for Terra is indeed the GRAND YEAR OF THE DEAD. 


The 8th grand year started c 32kya, with LGM, it ended with BSDe and in between them there was a mass extinction that wiped out many species.  BSDE started in the 8th era, a few degrees from the beginning of NOAH = NINTH grand year. 

The 8th grand year ended 7kya (Matria Esh calculates this at Sirius, so 7.5kya)

Terra adds 7 more degrees, as that is the PATRE > PATER > FATHER's creation. 

Terra has its AC on Aries, its IC (origin, father) in Cancer/PAT/ROK/RAC, 4) and its MC on Capra/Ham/Capricorn. 

Aries is Ares, Odin, the god of war. The planet that rules it is Mars, the god of war. the RED planet (violence, war, horrors). 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon (Eses, Asare's wife, NIATPAT > night), but Cancer is PATRE, the FATHER and the origin.  

For short, Terra's population has its origin in Cancer. 

And its MC is Capra/HAM, ruled by Sata, the snake (Saturn). 

The AC, IC and MC are absolute darkness.

The greatest evil rules Terra. 

Cancer has its MC on Aries = DEATH,the 8th house for Matria Esh.

Matria Esh is the absolute reference for all worlds. 

And then there is Matria's chart :) 

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