NOVENA, the prayer that indicates the 9th grand year, the current great year
Novena is a prayer ritual that must be repeated over a period of 9 days/weeks or months.
Novena indicates the 9th grand year or great year. It's within the name, just like NOAH, NOIE, 9. Santa's 9 reindeer represent the same timeline, the 9th grand year or great year ;)
Similarly, grand or great year 7 for Matria Esh saw a ritual emerging - slowly moving in a circle (it represents the passing of time, Ra around the zodiac, etc) to get rid of the darkness that had appeared.
It also had a catchy tune and dance ''Trample darkness, make it go away.''
same ritual appeared c 40k years ago on Terra, where it was indeed
still the 7th grand year. The ritual was the same slow motion in a circle, or the catchy
dance and tune. The ritual was observed for 7 years by the visitors from Matria Esh. The 7 years of the ritual signified the 7th grand year - the current great year at the time.
Novena is clearly inspired from those simple rituals that White Lights performed. Interestingly, Catholic female choirs sometimes try to emulate the sound of Matria's voice/energy.
Caves with great acoustics saw such
performances even 40kya, when only females sang. Males attended quietly.
They were sitting down, while the women performing were standing and
voices seemed to rise higher and higher into the ceiling. The voices of
White Light women invoking Matria with their voices had the desired
effect - White Light appeared in the darkness of the cave. And as voices
raised into the ceiling, it felt like levitation was about to happen.
It was incredible.