Astrology crash course
A grand year or era, is 25772 years.
One degree of precession is c 72 years.
Astrology is history observed and encoded in symbols, in an attempt to see if there is a predictability factor. So, it can be used as a tool to decode history, especially prehistory.
Astrology has been in use for at least 40k years.
The European script that appears c 40kya (years ago) contains modern constellations, such as Capricornus, Capricorn (the heart shape symbol or the bowl symbol), the Big Dipper, etc etc.
It definitely uses
the snake (sata in Egyptian) as a symbol. That is Saturn, the snake, the
ruler of Capricorn in astrology. The greatest evil.
Sata is Saturn with a grand return of circa 29.6 years. References to such years appear in many mythologies.
Egyptian Sed festival is the same as viking Sedr. It means a sitting (SIT> SED) and most likely using astrology to make predictions about the future (although other means might have been employed).
it is also used in a different context, to denote certain persons. Real
historical persons who returned here many times and who played an
important role in history. Freyr is Ptah and Hephaestus, the grand
feather snake.
Numbers were associated with grand years even 40kya or so.
The four horses of APOcalypse = 4th era of Sagittarius.
ATIATI = the second of ATI, Spica (the equivalent of Libra). A dual plural. It appears in the 40k years old script of Europe as GRAINS (ATI ATI or simply ATI).
Second coming refers to the SECOND ERA. the SECOND GRAND YEAR. And no, he is not coming back ever again. The dead die forever. They no longer exist.
Trojan Horse? That's a TREIA, TROY, a secret reference or a secret code
to Matria Esh and the horse in this case is Monoceros (the Unicorn).
The ''Trojan Horse'' indicates the Horse (Monoceros, the Unicorn)
conjunct the 3rd zodiac sign = Gemini. Monoeros is on Matria Esh
ECLIPTIC (Sagittarius is not)
The zodiac does NOT move. It is aligned to the ECAT = the spring of EQUInox
point of each planet. When one says ''Matria Esh has its ECAT at Virgo 3
degrees'' it means that is where spring Equinox occurs.
Terra, or Midgard (from MAt gard, Mat's garden or enclosure, Capra Esh, mistransliterated as Khepresh) has its ECAT at Aries 0.
Sata Esh has its ECAT at 72 degrees from Virgo 3 (thus the reference of 72 virgins) and it appears at Dendera in Gemini (Orion). So, it is at 21 Gemini (Bellatrix is at that point now).
ECAT is the so-called hand bag symbol found in all civilisations - and
it comes from the civilisation of ORIGIN - Matria Esh. It is wrongly
transliterated as AKHET ..but it is close enough to realise that ECAT
> EQUI and then nox was added, because darkness cannot resist turning
everything into darkness. ECAT is about Ra, Light (the sun).
Turning houses in astrology - Let's say the reference is 33.6. So grand year 33, then one counts six signs. That would be Capricorn (precession goes backwards). That becomes the first house when you start counting again. So 6 becomes 1, then you keep counting until you find another six. You reach LEO, which becomes 6th from 6. the sixth sign from the sixth sign.
The zodiac does not move, but the STARS and constellations MOVE. For short, the zodiac is like a watch. The frame of the watch never moves. The tongues do = the stars or constellations are the tongues of the watch.
And this is HOW we calculate precession.
Let's just say I say era 3 Deata for Matria Esh. You need to ''move'' Orion to be conjunct Matria Esh ECAT, which is Virgo 3. And then you need to keep in mind this is the 9th era, and I referred to the 3rd.
Or let's say I want to calculate MES o PAT MAT > Mes o POT AMIA. The birth of Pat conjunct Mat. The birth of PAT is a speciic degree. It is Bellatrix plus 17 or Sirius mins 7. This appears on pillar 18, enclosure D from Gobekli Tepe and all bal bal (from bar bar) statues. Cancer (PAT, RAC/ROCK/RICK) has 42 degrees - the 42 body parts of Asare (Osiris) = SIRIUS. The star.
So, I have the current Cancer 7. I need to know where MAT starts in the zodiac (a fix point). It is MAT 3 (it has to be aligned to the ECAT). So that was 7 degrees from Cancer plus 27 from Gemini. That is 34 degrees of precession ago.
34 degrees x 72 years = 2448
So, the birth of Mesopotamia was actually 2448 years ago (roughly. A degree has 72 years, so it is that specific timeline)
Names such as
MAT HAT (Mehit) = Orion 8
Amen HAT = Capricorn 8.
HAT HERA (Hathor) = Taurus 8.
HAT RA = 8, not sure if Leo but it seems so.
Some are more complex. They denote the STAR/ CONSTELLATION conjunct the fixed zodiac point.
PAT ATAN >>> PHAETON = Cancer conjunct Aries (an entire era).
Mesopotamia - birth of PAT AMAT, it means the first degree of Cancer (PAT, RAC, RICK, ROCK) conjunct AMAT = MAY = Orion (Gemini in the zodiac).
Sarmisegetusa = Star SYRMA conjunct Sagittarius (That is c 21- 23kya).
Bethlehem from BEETLE HAM.
Beetle > Betel geuse.
Therefore Betelgeuse conjunct HAM /Capricorn 3. (Exactly where the SUN is on December 25 each year). Betelgeuse was conjunct Capricorn 3 12800 years ago. Anatolia depicts the birth of Jesus
The name Jesus comes from Deata > Djed > Dje SUS, meaning Deata on MC. Deata is the 10th sign from Virgo Matria. It is SUS, on the MC either on Gemini (for Matria Esh) or Capricorn (for Terra). All crowns of Eirope depict two ecliptics with the cross above = DEATA on MC ..Jesus ..the cross is ORION. For Matria Esh, Orion is DEATA (Matria Atena Atiati Freya). For Terra, Satan is Orion.
Santa is Satan.
Santa is Jesus (see the Constantine blog entry).
Orion was conjunct Capricorn 3 c12800 years ago.
Orion was conjunct Gemini 3 c2000 years ago.
These are the actual references and the hidden astrological codes. It's all encoded with astrology.
The 3 ''kings'' are the 3 stars of Orion's belt.
Pay attention to star/constellation names. Are they on Terra's ecliptic? OR are they on a different ecliptic?
The temple of Hat Hera (Hathor, Dendera -
the name is made up for sure, I suspect it was Ra Atena, or Atena RA)
clearly indicates the ecliptic of MATRIA ESH is across Orion's belt.
Which is precisely why Orion is so important to Egypt. Matria herself founded Egypt (RA MANAT became MINA, Herodot and others refer to her), so it is normal that DEATA (dece = 10, the MC,the Ruler) and the ecliptic of Matria Esh was the most important for them (and their origin is Europe, whcih was founded by Matria, too, long before Egypt).
There are references to Zeus turning into a SWAN - that is the constellation of Cygnus. It is conjunct RA Anat or Anat Ra (which became Anatolia) and Aquarius, but it refers to a different ecliptic. It is linked to events that happened elsewhere.
The zodiac signs for PPRECESSION and astrological ages:
01. DEATA (10, the Goddess) GEMIINI (the word). From Bellatrix to Sirius (Terra uses from Bellatrix plus 17 degrees)
02. Hera. Taurus.
03. Atena (Aries here - from oppos Spica/Ati plus 24 degrees. See Dendera zodiac. Align it to the modern zodiac.
04. Deneb? Pisces.
05. Anat Ra or Ra Anat. Aquarius (Nashira is definitely the border).
06. Hamat or HAM (man), Capricornus, Capricorn, Capra, the sea Goat (> god). See Dendera zodiac and temple plan. It is marked. THis is 33.6 (JC's age)
07. Sagittarius- star Atria plus oppos Sirius)
08 Anan. Scorpio.
09. ATI /SPICA . Libra (from Ati/Spica plus 24 degrees)
10. Virgo Matria. Virgo. From Denebola to Ati/SPICA.
11. Cancer (PAT, Niatpat = night, Rock/Rok/Rac/Rick) from Sirius to Denebola for Matria Esh, but it is Sirius minus 7 degrees for Terra, 42 degrees (which makes the opposite sign, Capricorn,42 degrees, too).
12. Leo
The constellation of Capricornus is between stars Nashira and Algedi. However, Terra expanded its IC and MC (father and ruler) to 42 degrees. The 42 body parts of Asare (the father goat god, even if he represents Sirius) represent the 42 degrees of the sign.
Viking Aesir is the same as star Sirius and Egyptian Asare/Sare and it refers to the identical timeline. They all do. It's all the same astrology encoded in various symbols. Aesir refers to the realm of the dead, just like Aries/Ares (the god of war) and Aten (one and the same as Ares), the LAMB = the RAM. It is all the same zodiac.
Death on death = Sirius conjunct Aries 0. Which is the area that dates the Black Sea Deluge (BSDe).
Risen from the dead = origin in Aesir conjunct Aries...because the Aeisr (Sirius, Cancer is the origin, the IC..therefore Aries is the MC..)
RISEN from the dead means Cancer conjunct Aries ...Sirius (the dead in Matria's chart) conjunct Aries (the house of the dead for Matria Esh). Death conjunct death.
Risen from the dead means a DEAD ONE, a dark entity. EVIL.
Star Nashira = Anat Si Ra.
sa = son
si = sons, plural.
SiRa = sons of Ra, linked to Sirius.
Nashira = Nazareth
Nashira was close to Virgo 3 12800 years ago, when Betelgeuse was conjunct HAM (Beetle HAM).
The Beetle symbol in Egypt is read CAPRA (Not Khepre, but even this is close enough to realise it is Capra, Capricornus and Amen, not Amun)
HAM MAN = AM MAN > Amen = the goat > god.
ham = om, oumo, homme, man.