The seven days of creation = 7 degrees of precession? It seems so.
From CaeSARE = Sirius to Crea Patra (Sirius minus 7 = Bellatrix plus 17) there are 7 days or degrees of precession.
(Cleo) patra is the same degree as St Peter (who has the keys of hell)
and is the same as MES in names. MES = birth of. CREA = to create (and
the slight change, to avoid being so obvious..Crea became Cleo + PATRA =
All cultures claim to originate in Cancer, thus are linked to PATRI ar HAT = psi HAT PAT (Psychopath)= 8th Age of Cancer = 7000 years ago - circa 10000 years ago, since the sign has 42 degrees, it means that the so called seven days of creation should be linked to HAT PAT = 8 Rac/Rock/Rick/Cancer.
And since reptiles appeared in art around 7500 years ago ...see VInca and Mesopotamia reptiles in art ...It seems that those are the degrees.
Sirius = approx 7500 years ago. There are currently 104 degrees of precession between Sirius and Aries 0.
Sirius = c 7500 years ago.
Crea Patra = c 7000 years ago (and St Peter, too).
With precession, Sirius is first - circa 7500 years ago..
followed by ''Crea Patra'' ..Patra's creation ..or the father's creation ...7000 years ago.
7 degrees of precession. With the civilisation already under siege for 32k years - LGM, Black Sea Deluge and a mass extinction that threatened all life, the reptiles that flooded were the last nail in the coffin....
7 degrees of precession= 7 degrees of the darkest creation, creatures from an abyss of darkness summoned to appear ''alive''. The dead are never alive, despite having a body.